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David Klugmann

May 4, 2022

My partner and I had being trying to conceive for a number of years without success.

My health was not always great and I often felt tired and was dragging myself through life.

My sperm test results revealed a virtually non existent count (less than 100) and the doctor doing the test results analysis said  'I had as much chance of conceiving with my partner as winning the lottery.'  Going to my GP I was told that there was nothing conventional medicine could do about it. They could only offer help on the woman's side. There was nothing they could do for a man.

Looking desperately for an alternative I found TCM Healthcare on the internet and spoke to ​Prof. ​Au who said he thought they could help. He then arranged an appointment for me with Professor ​Y ​Li ​at TCM Healthcare's clinic in Harley Street, an expert trained in Chinese medicine and fertility in Beijing.

In the initial consultation the Professor asked questions and listened to my answers and explanation of my medical symptoms. He also took my pulses and looked at my tongue. His manner was always friendly and sympathetic and it was obvious he really wanted to help. He stressed Chinese medicine treats the whole body and said I should see improvements generally in my overall health along with the improvements in fertility.

I was prescribed herbs to be boiled with water which would make a hot drink to be taken twice per day. Although not the most tastefull drink I figured that it was doing me good and soon got quite used to my daily routine of drinking it morning and night.

I had follow-up appointments each month during which he would reassess my condition and would then refine the herbs I was to take for the following month.

I noticed I started to have more energy and generally started feeling better all round.

After about 4 months I decided to have a second test and was genuinely shocked to see my count had increased to 20 million.  A subsequent test two months later revealed it had improved to 70 million.

After seven months my partner announced she was pregnant. Today my partner had her 11 week scan and all is well.

Thanks to all those at TCM Healthcare.


May 24, 2024

GR first came to us in early January when her FSH was 96.

I am happy to share my positive experience with TCM Healthcare. For months, I struggled with high FSH levels and had no periods for six months. Despite consulting various doctors, I was repeatedly told that there were no viable solutions for balancing my hormones.In my search for alternatives, I found TCM Healthcare and decided to give it a try. Under their expertise, I began taking prescribed herbs. To my amazement, within three months, my FSH levels dropped substantially from 96 to 26.4. After nine months, I experienced a normal menstrual cycle in a long time.Not only did the treatment regulate my hormones, but it also alleviated other related issues such as endometriosis bloating and fatigue. TCM Healthcare provided a holistic approach that addressed the root of my problems, something conventional medicine couldn't offer.I wholeheartedly thank and recommend Prof. Au and Dr. Yang to anyone facing similar challenges in fertility. Their expertise and natural herbs treatment has given us hope and real results, proving that there are very effective alternatives for fertility to traditional medical approaches.

Beatrice Ullman

March 1, 2022

Beatrice came to us when she was 44 with missing periods.

Dear Shun,

I hope this finds you well.

I write to you now our daughter is three years old — time passes quickly! You may recall that she was our third child and I am happy to say everyone is doing well.

I am writing to you because I believe I am experiencing (peri)menopausal symptoms (I turned 48 in December) — my periods have all but stopped and I have the occasional hot flushes. My periods stopped very suddenly in 2021 and in April/May it will have been almost year. Just to add that I am still breastfeeding the youngest (once a day).

I wanted to ask if you treat menopausal symptoms or can help support the hormonal balance during this time?



January 11, 2022

Pippa is 43 and Mark is in his 60s

We started trying for a baby 3 years ago being aware that time was not on our side we visited a fertility clinic to have 3 rounds of IUI.

Then moved to a Harley Street IVF clinic that advised IUI was only effective for women up to 35 years and that our best chance was via IVF although with minimal possibility of success due to my age, reducing eggs and likely poor quality. We were only given a 2% chance.

After 2 rounds of unsuccessful stressful IVF I was told to carry on with another session or the best chance was actually to have a donor egg which they could provide straight away.

I did not feel the harsh aggressive treatment of IVF was right for me so even though I was 41 I felt I still wanted to try naturally and left the clinic.

After improving our diet, cutting out caffeine, the minimal alcohol I was consuming etc I conceived naturally but miscarried at 7 weeks.

After researching supplements, making supper smoothies and acupuncture. I went to a high street herb clinic but as they seemed unprofessional and made me very confused I did not continue with them.

With more research I came across Professor Shun Au’s articles and reviews.

We went to see Professor Au and Doctor Li and was very encouraged by their suggested course of herbs that we both took for the following 3 months. The experience of which we enjoyed with his positive attitude was just what I needed to hear. It was incredible to see the results of my bloods over the period including my thyroid condition which plays a role in a good pregnancy (the IVF clinic never even discussed this with me). Also my husband’s sperm quality and mobility improved to being excellent.

Amazingly a few months later I became pregnant and will soon be taking the herbs from Professor Au at 7 months for a continued good pregnancy. My 12 week scan showed all was well and due twins in December.

Not only did the herbs improve the quality and quantity of my eggs but also my thyroid condition, overall energy and vitality.

Now, so happy and forever grateful, an incredibly happy mother of healthy twin girls.

Fred Peters

December 22, 2021

Fred first came to us with virtually no sperm. His sperm county went up to 27 million after a few months of treatment. He went for IVF and had a son.

I went through two rounds of treatment with TCM. I notice after my second round that my sperm quality (morphology and motility) had improved dramatically. My count which was also non existent at one point went up by millions in a few months. I'm thankful for the support we received from TCM, they greatly helped on our journey to becoming parents. We now have a lovely 2 month old boy.

Hannah Leinster

November 23, 2021

Hannah had been diagnosed with POF (Primary Ovarian Failure) and took HRT for two years as advised by her doctor.

She is back for second round of treatment. You can read more about her story on the clients' stories page.

I am back for my second round of treatment for Premature Ovarian Failure with TCM Healthcare. My first round resulted in drastically reduced FSH and then a successful pregnancy 3 years ago. Within a few months of this second round I have seen my cycles return and a huge reduction in symptoms such as hot flushes, lower back pain, low energy and mood. My TCM practitioners treat me as an individual with such care and compassion and the treatment is exactly tailored to my body’s needs. I would highly recommend this treatment to any woman suffering with diagnosed Premature Ovarian Failure.

Teresa Gourami

September 15, 2021

Teresa came to us in May 2019 with FSH 28 and Oestradiol <55. She saw us twice. Her hormones got better after 2 visits. She came back again August 2021 after missing a period for one full cycle. Her FSH was 65, LH 39. Her doctor diagnosed POF (early menopause). On her second visit, she told us:

It is a miracle. My period came back. My hot flushes and night sweats are gone. I sleep much better.

Dipika Hassan

August 19, 2021

Dipika is 50. She lost many periods before coming to us. In January 2021, her FSH was 28.94, oestradiol 60.5. When retested in August, FSH went down to 19.46 and oestradiol went up to 143.5

I am extremely pleased that my period came back after missing periods for 7 months.

Ke Mei

August 15, 2021

I first found TCM Healthcare's website, after receiving devastatingly high FSH test results. In Sept 2020, l caught Covid-19 and after a very stressful house move, l was concerned that l hadn't ovulated, which was later confirmed at a private ultrasound appointment. So l waited patiently for my period to come, but it didn't, which for someone with a regular 26 day cycle, was really unusual and upsetting. What followed was hot flushes during the day and the most debilitating night sweats for 3 months. I was at a complete loss, particularly as my consultant had told me that he was afraid l was going through perimenopause and he basically wrote me off. It was at this point that l spoke with Prof. Shun Au. I was understandably tearful but Shun took the time to reassure me and l came away feeling that all was not lost even with an FSH of 47. What struck me with Shun, was his vast knowledge and how seamlessly he was able to explain the limitations of seeing fertility solely through a scientific lens. I didn't feel rushed during our first conversation, l felt supported and l came away feeling hopeful. I also remember explaining to him that, prior to my period stopping, l had had 5 previous losses over two and half years, the last being in June 2020, and he told me that the treatment was holistic so would also deal with my egg quality issues. I started my treatment in December 2020 but just before l began, l retook my hormonal tests and my FSH had gone up to 57 and my oestrogen was very low at 40, which explained the hot flashes and night sweats. The herbs l received from TCM quickly became part of my daily routine and the tea was surprisingly palatable. I also had monthly Zoom calls with Shun and Dr Yang and after our consultation, they would change up my herbs depending on my symptoms and tongue analysis. I got my first proper period on 15th January; prior to that l had a small bleed that didn't really resemble a period but l still felt hopeful that my body was recalibrating. I finished my course of treatment on the 3rd February and on the 11th March l ovulated. Two weeks later l got a positive pregnancy test at 43 years old. I was in complete disbelief but also petrified that this pregnancy would also result in a loss like the other 5, 1st trimester losses. But Shun's words rang true — 'the treatment is holistic'. I feel so incredibly pleased to write that l am now in my second trimester. My hormone test results were fantastic so l feel like l can finally breath slightly easier and enjoy this pregnancy. I am so grateful that l came across TCM. I reached out to Shun as a last resort. However, after 2 failed IVFs, 5 losses, thousands of pounds and major heartache, l would tell anyone at the beginning of their fertility journey to go directly to TCM Healthcare because l truly wish I'd found them earlier. Thank you to Prof. Shun Au and Dr Yang for helping to make this dream come true.

Layla Bon

April 6, 2021

Layla was 44 turning 45 when she started our programme

My only regret is that I didn't approach Prof Au sooner. I had found his details about 1 year  before actually starting the program with Prof Au. Instead I chose to work with a naturopath whom put me on loads of supplements and discouraged me to try TCM. A big mistake looking back. The good news is: after working with Prof Au only for 3 months I fell pregnant and am now nearly 20 weeks. This was a miracle given that I had struggled with secondary infertility for 2 years due to older age and all the depressing diagnoses that come with it. He told me to quit most of my supplements, which at first I found difficult to do but I decided to put my full trust in him. It was the best decision as it proved! I can't recommend Prof Au enough, he was the only one whom believed in me and was always positive and available for calls or just to listen. Thank you so much for everything, you are truly amazing!

Shivani Arora from India

March 21, 2021

I want to start by thanking Prof Shun Au and Dr Yang, they have come in our lives like angels. I was struggling to to conceive for over 4 years. After undergoing one laparoscopy, 2 hysteroscopies, 2 failed IUIs and 3 failed IVF treatments I was really disheartened. I am 37 and my AMH levels were quite low and over all hormones were all out of range. One day while surfing on the net about how can I improve my AMHI came across the TCM Healthcare webpage. I read the testimonials, I contacted Prof Shun Au. After listening to my case he gave me a list of blood work and asked me to get back to him with the results. After my first appointment he sent me a set of herbs and said there is no reason why I can’t conceive naturally. I received my herbs within a week, my cycle started on the 13th of Oct., I started having them on 15th day of my cycle. The same cycle I missed my periods by 5 days. I thought its something to do with my herbal tea why my periods were delayed. I took my appointment with Prof Shun Au again on the 18th of Nov. to see what could be the reason for the delay. On the 17th of Nov. morning I took a pregnancy test and to my biggest surprise and joy I had a positive result. I could just not believe my eyes and was filled with happiness and gratitude for both Prof Shun Au and Dr Yang, as this was nothing less than a miracle to me. I am 5 months pregnant now and everything is going well, can't wait for our bundle of joy. When I first came to this site I was very skeptical about potential of TCM for fertility, but I tried anyway and I am so happy I did, so if you are going through a similar phase I would highly recommend to give it a shot.

Blake Williamson

February 14, 2021

After more than 18 months of my wife and I trying to conceive, I took an sperm/andrology test in May of 2018. The results put my IgG at 71; it should have been less than 10 for normally fertility. Suffice to say the specialist told us we would not conceive naturally. To be exact his letter read: “The anti-sperm antibodies do remain elevated. This remains an area of controversy as they are not routinely recommended to be tested for by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) partly because there is no clear indication of how they can be treated to improve outcomes using any other medical therapy. Given the current setting and situation that you are in and taking into account your partner’s age and factors, I think the best approach would be with going forward with IUI or IVF.” By December 2018, we had gone through one unsuccessful round of IVF and were left with little hope about our future prospects. Beyond adoption and surrogacy we seemed to have few options. We heard about TCM though a family friend and after one consultation, in which I listened with much skepticism, I started treatment. The first few rounds were completed using the “herbs” — a bag of unfamiliar looking leaves, tree bark, berries and other things — I cooked (boiled really) myself at home. Frequent travel for work and hotel living made it impossible for me to prepare the herbs consistently, so I switched to the ready made powder TCM provide as an alternative. You just add boiling water to this but it’s supposedly less powerful — around 70-80% strength of the unrefined herbs if I remember correctly. Over the course of 18 months I continued treatment and took a number of sperm/andrology tests. The first after treatment saw my IgG dropped from 71 to 67, the second from 57 to 50, a third from 50 to 27, and the final test in Oct 2020 had a result of IgG of 2. On the 2nd October 2020 I took my final test and received the scores three days later — the IgG was 2. I had a condition the conventional doctors told me to simply accept. I can't thank TCM enough! From being a complete skeptic I'm totally convinced that TCM’s treatment works. I also appreciate the frank, but caring manner in which they explain things. When you are going through issues of fertility as a couple the value of this cannot be overstated! Thank You!

Elizabeth Walsh

February 13, 2021

I am writing this review in a state of complete shock, having just learned that I am pregnant after being completely written off by various doctors and top gynaecologists. I had a “fertility MOT” 4 months ago and at 34 years of age I was told that my FSH was extremely elevated, my AMH undetectable and that I was heading for early menopause. My periods were sporadic, short cycles and painfully light. I’ll never forget how bereft I felt when I read my ovarian assessment and saw “consider donor eggs”. Looking to the internet is a mistake, you’ll find no comfort there in a situation like mine. One Sunday morning in a terrible hour of need and desperation, I searched the internet and came across TCM Healthcare. I called not expecting anyone to answer on a Sunday. Professor Au answered. It was the first time I spoke to someone who deeply understood the hormones/their interpretation, and how I could move forward. I felt reassured and hopeful for the first time on my utterly miserable journey. I went for a HyCoSy to ensure my tubes were clear, and that natural conception was an option. During my test I was told by the Dr that I’d “need a miracle” and why was I there, when I should be proceeding with donor eggs without delay. I started the herbs in December and invested completely in the programme. My first period was heavier (first time in 10 years), my second cycle was 29 days (as opposed to 25), and my third I knew that I ovulated day 14. I was feeling like a different person inside and out. I felt well, and healthy. Today I discovered I’m 5 weeks pregnant, and I can’t believe it. What I’ve learned, is that doctors of Western medicine can have a poor grasp on the dark art that is the female reproductive system, and prematurely refer women like me to IVF clinics. I wholeheartedly believe that the Doctors at TCM Healthcare are leaders in this field, and the best authority on fertility. Professor Au and Dr Yang are polite, professional, and exceptionally knowledgeable. I didn’t need a miracle, I needed TCM Healthcare. Thank you to both of you, my family and I will be eternally grateful.

Kate Crouchman

September 6, 2020

I simply can not recommend Professor Au and Professor Li enough. I found TCM via a google search after we had been struggling to conceive our second baby for nearly 2 years. Following tests at a local fertility clinic in Essex, I was told that my FSH, LH and oestradiol were all over the place and at 39, I was nearing early menopause. I was told the only option was egg donation as my egg quality was too poor. I was told that there was nothing I could take or do to improve my egg quality, just wait for a donor. After one visit to see the professors, I was given hope and I can not tell you how good it felt to feel some positivity — I hadn't had good news with regards to my fertility in so long. I first visited the clinic in October. Prof Au suggested that a treatment of herbs could help me energise my body, healing me from the inside. Shun said that there was lots that could be done to improve my egg quality and my body’s overall health (lacking in energy, heavy periods etc) I left my first face to face meeting excited to start on the herbs and hoping that they would help me. I was advised to stop trying to conceive for the next few months whilst my body responded to the herbs. I visited the clinic every 4 weeks for more herbs and put my faith in the professors.  After 3 months, I had another blood test and my results were the best they'd been (in about 9 months of blood tests at my local clinic) but I wasn't there yet. But, I felt more energised, my periods had changed (which was a good sign of my body healing) and I was just feeling more positive. I was given another month’s supply of herbs and was told that as my bloods had improved, I could start trying to conceive again but accepted that it may take a little more time. Well, the following month, my period was late. I waited, thinking that it may have been the herbs (as I was late after my first month on the herbs) turns out, I was pregnant! This was February! I am now 34 weeks and still can not believe that I am pregnant. I would love anyone else in my position to know that if you are told there isn’t hope, please believe there is. I was willing to try anything and Chinese medicine was not something that I knew much about. TCM Healthcare gave me hope and help where Western medicine could not. Without the involvement of the professors, I do not believe I would be where I am today. Their positivity, kindness and knowledge helped me to fall pregnant without the need for an egg donor. I am beyond grateful and would recommend them without hesitation. Thank you doesn’t quite seem to cover how I feel — I will forever be grateful for TCM for giving me my longed for second pregnancy. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Kate.

Valentina Sanchez from Spain

May 5, 2020

We started to look for a baby in November 2019. I was used to use the pills for 13 years, after surgery due to endometriosis. I had a first natural period in November and after that nothing.

I did hormones tests and my AMH was 0.01 and FSH 88. My doctors says that the only option was an egg donation and I was diagnosed with premature menopause at the age of 35. I was feeling very sad, frustrated, and even if I never believe it in the deep of my heart.

I was looking for information on Google and finally decided by myself to start acupuncture and osteopathy gynaecology and finally found TCM Healthcare and decided to get in touch with them.

I found many reviews of many people with the same problem of all over the world, and for the first time, when I got in touch with Prof Au, I did not feel alone in this hard journey. Prof Au and Dr Yang gave me hope and support from the first call we had (I live in Spain, so we were in contact by WhatsApp).

Anyway, I started the herbs on February and on the 08.03 I had first slow bleeding! On the 04.04 I have my first proper period and then another one on the 20.04. Probably I still need to regulate the period, but for me it is already a miracle! Doctors in Spain were saying I would never recover my period! Today I did an ovulation test and it was positive!! Well, I still need to finish my first 3 months of treatment, but my hopes now are different. I will make the hormone tests again at the end of the month.

I hope that I could write a new review saying that nothing is lost in life, you always have to believe in everything and I am pregnant! Keep you posted!

Anonymous from India

March 8, 2020

She saw Dr Yang 3 times and wrote a long Google review:

Married for 5 years at the age of 30. In March 2018, doctors confirmed that due to low AMH (0.3), natural conceiving is impossible and if conceived I would have miscarriage. Capsule ovaries was recommended for 3 months. Consuming these capsules on daily basis had side-effects like weight gain, acne on my face and on my neck. I stopped consuming those and went to my doctor. She then asked me to try IVF. Meanwhile during Google research on low AMH, I came across TCM Healthcare which uses Chinese therapy to heal low AMH and other problems.

In IVF session, we consulted the doctor and she recommended IVF with donor egg. We insisted that we would first go for IVF with my own egg. If not successful, we can then try for IVF with donor egg. She agreed. In Nov 2018, IVF process was started. Due to low number of egg, IVF doctor insisted on IUI instead of an IVF. We agreed and I had a IUI failure. Things settled and my husband got a project in UK to work and I joined him in Mar 2019. We thought of consulting TCM Healthcare for help. We had our tests and when results were available we met Prof Au and Dr Yang. They said that I should not take any medication as my hormone level were fine and low AMH was never an issue for natural conception. I went for 3 consultations and I took 3 month medication till September 2020 which improved my internal health overall. After this, we were asked to stop the herbs and simply try for 6 months and return if still unable to conceive. In Feb 2020 I came to know that I am pregnant.

I would highly recommend TCM Healthcare for all those who have been trying to conceive but are unable to do so.

Thanks TCM Healthcare

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