Reduce Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)


Florence was 39 when she first came to us. Her FSH was 23.9, oestradiol below 44 and had an AMH of 0.9. After 3 months of treatment, she tested her hormones again 3 months later. Her FSH had dropped to 17.2, oestradiol had increased to 66 and AMH rose to 1.3.

“I am very pleased with the improvements. I feel much better. The hot flushes are gone. I have more energy and I am more alert.” 

Alison, aged 42, came to us with a high FSH (16), low AMH (0.8) and 4 miscarriages.

“I have just found out today that I am pregnant! I’m obviously thrilled.”

Heather Richards was 37 when she came to us with a high FSH (58). She had hot flushes, night sweats and highly irregular periods (from 26 to 120 days). Her doctor diagnosed Primary Ovary Failure (POF).

She had 3 months of treatment before retesting 3 months later. Her FSH dropped to 14.3. Her hot flushes and night sweats are gone.

“I am very grateful. I was conscious of the heat all the time. It was debilitating. I had a demanding job. I could not do what I was supposed to do. I was just not myself. I am no longer bothered by heat. I feel much lighter and have my energy back. I would like to carry on being treated and get pregnant naturally”

Susan came to us, then went through 2 failed cycles of IVF the next year. She restarted treatment with us afterwards. We discharged her after we felt she was ready for natural pregnancy. She sent us this email.

“My FSH result was 25 before. When I received the test result after a few months of treatment, I was so nervous that I was too frightened to look at first. When I did, I was so pleased. It is now 13.9!”

A few months later, she got pregnant naturally.

FSH and the menstrual cycle

During each menstrual cycle, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) secretion rises in the first half of the cycle to stimulate follicular growth in the ovary. After ovulation the ruptured follicle forms a corpus luteum that produces high levels of progesterone. This inhibits the release of follicle stimulating hormone. Towards the end of the cycle the corpus luteum breaks down, progesterone production decreases and the next menstrual cycle begins when FSH starts to rise again.

Why high FSH?

A menstrual cycle begins with the pituitary gland in the brain generating higher and higher FSH to kick start the ovaries to develop follicles ready for ovulation. When the ovarian function is impaired, the brain increases the amount of FSH in an effort to stimulate the ovaries to do the job they are supposed to do. Raised levels of FSH are therefore a sign of malfunction in the ovary.

When FSH gets higher and higher, menstrual cycles may become disrupted i.e periods may become more and more irregular or even missing. An FSH level of 12 or over is considered to be a warning sign. A FSH higher than 26 is usually associated with menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats, missing periods or periods being completely stopped. When these occur, doctors may diagnosed menopause or early menopause and prescribed Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).

At TCM Healthcare, we routinely help many women diagnosed with early menopause to bring back their periods. Those who wanted to went on to have their own children.

Is ageing the cause of high FSH?

It is generally assumed FSH getting higher is part of the ageing process and cannot be reversed. However, we see a substantial number of patients who have high FSH regardless of age. We found that the real problem is that they have hormone imbalance which is often manifested in high FSH and low oestradiol.

Diagram of the female reproductive system, drawn with Chinese calligraphy, TCM Healthcare — London fertility clinic

We at TCM Healthcare aims to improve the functioning of reproductive organ systems. As their functioning improve, better hormones follow.

Many patients told us that they have been written off for the reason of age. A significant number we saw were under mid forties. We strongly believe that for many women including older women the underlying issue is hormone imbalance which is often ignored.

For more information, please visit our blog page.

HRT and fertility

Women with high FSH and low Oestradiol are usually offered HRT. The aim seems to be to offer temporary relief of symptoms rather than improving organ functions. For those who want to have to have children, opting for HRT means that it will be very difficult for natural conception to occur although HRT is strictly speaking not a contraceptive. It is for this reason that endocrinologists usually advise women who want to conceive to come off HRT.

High FSH and IVF

Some women with high FSH may wish to opt for IVF. It is worth noting that high FSH is a form of hormone imbalance which leads to poor egg quality. Given that the single most cited reason for IVF failure is poor quality, IVF may not be the ideal solution it purports to be. It is certainly our experience that women with high FSH seem to have a high chance of failed IVF cycles and the next step suggested by IVF clinics is likely to donor eggs, in other words, more IVFs. Some women may even be rejected by IVF clinics due to FSH being too high as stimulation may be dangerous.

Is age a problem for fertility ?

Since hormone imbalances can be corrected, age may not be as big a problem as has been made out. Our track record speaks for itself. We have helped a significant number of older women, many of whom went through cycle after cycle of IVF and were told that they would never be able to have their own children naturally, to do just that.

Our clinical record 

Our clinical data shows an excellent track record of improving FSH results. We have managed to significantly reduced FSH levels and restore hormonal balance in many patients regardless of age. Here are some of our recent patients’ results.

Patient M.R.

Aged 42.


Fef ’24



Apr ’24

Patient B.Q.

Aged 42


Nov ’23


Apr ’24


Patient H.I.

Aged 34


Dec ’22


Jul ’23


Patient T.P.

Aged 39


Apr '23


Oct ’23


Patient E.G.

Aged 38


Nov '22


Mar '23


Patient W.K.

Aged 39


Mar ’23


Jan ’23


Patient I.K.

Aged 42


Aug ’22


Jan ’23


Patient E.U.

Aged 45


Oct ’22


May ’22


Patient K.Q.

Aged 42


Mar ’22


Nov ’22


Patient B.N.

Aged 44


Mar ’22


Jun ’22


How do we lower FSH?

Over the past two decades, we have perfected a system where we are now confident we can lower FSH levels for most patients, mainly using tailor-made Chinese herbal remedies.

Patients come to us with their most recent FSH and other test results (less than 3 months old). We do a first consultation lasting 30 to 40 minutes, in which we do non-invasive and pain-free Chinese medical diagnostic procedures, to understand your particular condition and circumstances thoroughly.

Our specialist prescribes a unique herbal formula, usually consisting of around 20 kinds of herbs, from which you will make drinks and consume twice a day for 18 days in a month.

A month after the first consultation, you will be done with the first round of herbal remedy. We do a second consultation, lasting 30 minutes, doing another diagnostic procedure to see how well you’ve responded to the treatment. Another prescription will be written.

This monthly cycle will repeat 3 times before you are asked to have another FSH test carried out. Most patients see significant improvements. 

What are our fees?

The fees come to about £480 to £530 a month on average. Given our success rate, the fees of our treatment programme compares very favourably with IVF — all 3 courses (9 months) of our treatment comes out to be around £4,500 whereas the minimum all-inclusive fee for one IVF cycle stands at £6,000.

How often do I need to come?

Once a month. Most patients come from 3 to 6 months. We ask all patients to retake an FSH test after 3 months. Some combine our treatment with further IVF cycles.

What to expect during a consultation

A traditional Chinese medical consultation involves the following steps.


The practitioner may scrutinise your complexion, eyes, tongue, and movements to gain insight into how your organs are functioning. The tongue is a particularly important source of information, and its colour, body, coating, and moisture will all be taken into account.


The practitioner assesses the patient’s energy and general condition by taking into account your body heat, odour, skin sensitivity, and uses other senses to gain an insight into the your condition.

Taking a history

To gain a full picture, the practitioner will ask detailed questions about your complaint and your medical history. They will want to find out whether your problems vary at all according to the time of year and your diet, feelings or emotions.

Pulse diagnosis

This can provide a highly sensitive and detailed picture of your general health. The practitioner will take a number of different ‘pulses’ using three fingers put on the wrist of each hand of the patient. This enables him to gain further information about the quality and functioning of the five major organs. The practitioner will take account of your general health and strength, as well as all of your symptoms, whether they seem to you to be connected or not. This will be the basis for deciding on the best treatment.


Monthly consultations are required to gauge your progress. The prescriptions will be devised accordingly — for treating a changing condition, a fixed single herb or formula is unlikely to be effective over time.

Patients want to know how long they need to see us for. We say after 3 months of treatment, we will review progress, retesting hormones and check subjective experience, such as period cycle regularity and sexual interest. If they are at normal levels, we discharge the patients.

If they are better but still need further improvement, patients may need second course of treatment at the same or less intensity.

Typically, women see us for 3 courses of treatment, ie 9 months total.

The point is that the way we treat patients means they should not rely on our treatment for too long. Their improved health and function should stay with them if they look after their health.

A second opinion service

We have just launched a second opinion service where you can send us your hormone test results, sperm test results and other results. Consultations will be done on the phone and it will not be a face-to-face medical consultation.

Since we work with IUI, IVF, ICSI, egg and sperm freezing specialists, we can explore a full range of options with you prior to your committing to a course of actions that may be best for you. There is no charge for this service.

We offer this service in good faith based on our clinical experience and our work with partner agencies such as IVF specialists. We do not accept any liability and we will urge you to triangulate opinions given with your own doctors before you decide what may be best for your circumstance.

Book an appointment!

Call us any time on 0207 096 0283 or fill out our enquiry form.

We would like to see the following test results (less than 2 months old):

If you have not done them yet, we can arrange them for you. Results come out in 1–3 days.

A booking fee of £100 (refunded when you attend) will be processed at booking. 

Late cancellation fee £50
We appreciate that you might not be well or have urgent matters to attend. As a result you may have to postpone the appointment. We would like to have at least 24 hours' advance notice. A late cancellation fee of £50 is payable if advance notice is not given.

Are there patients we cannot help?

Yes. No medical system is foolproof and medical practitioners, however good, are not omnipotent. As great as our success rates are, they are not 100%. There are times patients do not respond to our treatments despite our best efforts.

Delayed improvements are possible when patients rest a little. However, even with rest, patients may still not respond well. Fortunately, these cases are in the minority. We minimise the number of these cases by trying to understand our patients’ conditions as much as possible before taking them on. We minimise time and financial commitments from patients by insisting they have hormone or sperm test results prior to treatment, and to get retested after 3 months — following our evidence-based approach.

At TCM Healthcare, we will always have your best interests in mind and we will do our best.